Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tansy (Tacacerum Vulgara)

The Botanical Name for Tandy is Tanacetum Vulgara and unfortunately the only folk name i could find was Buttons. 

Habitat & Description:  Zone 4-9, Tansy is a flowering herbaceous plant with finely divided compound leaves and yellow, button-like flowers. It has a stout, somewhat reddish, erect stem, usually smooth, 50–150 cm (20–59 in) tall, and branching near the top.

Parts Used:  whole plant, oils (warning: Tansy oil is highly toxic and can cause death from as little as 10 drops if consumed internally. Never use it in cooking or for internal consumption!)

Culinary Uses: leaves are used, Cakes, custards and puddings

Tansy Pudding
  5 ounces of grated bread
  1 pint of milk
  5 eggs
  a little nutmeg
   juice of tansy and spinach, to your taste
  1/4 pound of butter
  some sugar
  a little brandy
Put it in a saucepan, and keep it stirring on a gentle fire till thick.
Then put it in a dish and bake it; when baked, turn it out, and dust sugar on it.
Source:  The Lady's Own Cookery Book (1844).

Medicinal Uses: enema for round & thread worms in children, topical crèmes for scabies, lice and fleas.

Magickal Uses: Tansy’s have correspondence with health and longevity. Tansy’s planetary ruler is Venus, its magickal gender is female, elemental rule is water.

It is not recommended to eat too many tansys at once because it could be unsafe if eaten in large quantities and it is also unsafe for pregnant women to ingest as it could end up being aborted.

Tansy has a strong aromatic warming herb.

Ants do not like Tansy.

Tansy expels intestinal parasites.



Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)

Botanical Name for dandelion is Taraxacum Officinale and some folk names I was able to find are Goats beard, Wild chicory, Pisseabed, Dent de lion

Habitat & Description: Perennial that likes moist to dry, neutral- alkaline soil in full sun. It can be deadheaded to prevent seed production.

Parts Used:  the Whole plant plant is used in a variety of different ways.

Culinary Uses: Salads, greens, teas, substitute for coffee. The young leaves of the Dandelion are popular and They have a bitter chicory-like taste, as also has the root.

Directions for dandelion root tea/decoctionAdd 2 cups of water, to 2 tsp of herb. Simmer for 15 minutes covered. Shut off the heat. Allow the mixture to settle in the pan. Stain and pour into a cup. If you make extra, store the remainder in the fridge and consume it within 24 hours.

Medicinal Uses:  Used as tinctures, extracts & capsules. Stimulates bile production and helps with digestive disorders.

Magickal Properties include correspondences with Divination, wishes, calling spirits, psychic powers. Dandelion’s Planetary Ruler is Jupiter, Magickal Gender is Male, Elemental Rule is Air

Other Information:

  • It is hard to eradicate from yard as it is invasive. 
  • Plants cut in early summer and dried for use. 
  • Leaves picked late in spring before they flower. 
  • To use roots of dandelion you would harvest them at the end of second year before they seed.
  • Dandelion reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • It may help with gallstones.
  • Women’s health has benefited from the use of dandelion for menstrual problems.


Photo by Ela Haney from Pexels

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Garlic (Allium Sativumis)

The common name for Allium sativumis the amazing plant we all know as Garlic, some Folk Names i found during my reseach were  Ajo, Poor man’s treacle, stinkweed. 

Habitat & Description: Perennial with a globe bulb of 5-15 bulblets in a papery white to mauve, skin, flat leaves up to 24 inches long. Green/white flowers in summer, zone 4-9

Parts Used: bulbs, leaves, flowers

Culinary Uses: garlic enhances flavors in meats, seafood and vegetables.

Medicinal Uses: Garlic is one of the most amazing medicinal plants available to us.  Externally it is antimicrobial as an antiseptic. Garlic oil is also a great remedy for ear infection. Simply put a few drops of infused oil directly into the ear and be sure to treat both ears.   

It can be used for microbial infection internally too. It’s antibacterial and antiviral for colds and flu and boosts the immune  system. Garlic helps reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and blood sugar. ( All good things right!)

Some magickal correspondences are protection, anti-theft, exorcism. Planetary Ruler is Mars, magickal gender is Male, and its Elemental Rule is Fire. 


Cinnamon (Cinnamonum Zeylanicum)

The common name for  Cinnamonum Zeylanicum is Cinnamon some Folk Names are Sweet wood & Ceylon cinnamon. This tree’s bark has such amazing medicinalproperties that I am so excited to tell you a lut them is this post!

Cinnamon is an Evergreen tree with light brown papery bark and has leathery leaves, small yellow to white flowers in clusters followed by purple berries. Zone 10, well drained sandy soil in sun

Parts used on the cinnamon tree are the bark and leaves. They are dried and turned into seasons for cooking.

Medicinal Uses: Cinnamon is considered a super food like help with diarrhea & nausea, colds. Cinnamon is also a really good tool for lowering your blood sugar levels.

Magickal Uses for cinnamon are spirituality, healing, stimulate psychic awareness. The Planetary Ruler is the Sun, its magical gender is Male and the Elemental Rule is Fire.

Lavendar (Lavandula Angustufolia)

The botanical name for Lavender is Lavandula Angustifolia some folk names are Spike, Elf leaf, Nard and Nardus. Lavender is a bushy, strong-scented perennial plant from the Mediterranean.

Fast Fact: Lavender is grown in northern Africa and the Mediterranean mountains, often for extraction of its essential oils.

Lavender is a small perennial shrub with downy liner leaves. The leaves are gray when plant is young. Blue – Violet blooms, Lavender is best planted in the spring as the soil is warming up. If planted in the fall, use bigger plants to ensure survival over the winter.

Lavender preferes Zone 5  in a well draining in sunny location and Plant lavender 2 to 3 feet apart. Plants typically reach between 1 and 3 feet in height.

The leaves and flowers oil are the most commonly used parts. They are used to mainly for aromatherapy to help reduce stress, ease anxiety, it can be uplifting for those that suffering from depression,

Lavender is really popular crystallized and added to salads, flavorings, tea.

Medicinally lavender is amazing and will forever have a home in my first aid box.  There are many benefits to using lavender. it is great for treating anxiety, fungal infections, hair loss,wounds wound care and  has demonstrated any great qualities for treating skin complaints.

I like to use the the essential oil 10 drops carrier oil to 2 drops lavender essential oil to use neat on scraps, scratches, bruises, and burns.

Some magickal correspondence for lavender are love, protection, purification and the planetary ruler is Mercury, the magickal gender is male, and the elemental rule is Air.

Work Sited:

Making Medicinal Balms and Salves

Making salves and balms is one of my favorite things about getting to work with medicinal plants. Herbal salves are a great way for your skin ( the largest organ on you body) to get the oppertunity to obsorb all of those good medicinal properties from you herbal infused oil with the benefits of the wax to help to make a barrier over the area helping to keep the extra moisture in and extras out.
Once you've created your herbal oil, you're just a few simple steps away from your finished salve! See our basic salve recipe below, and follow along with herbal educator and author Maria Noël Groves for a comprehensive video how-to demonstration! Makes 5 ounces.
Ingredients 1 oz. beeswax (use carnauba wax for a vegan salve) 4 oz. herbal infused oil(s) of your choice (choose one or a combination) 10-20 drops essential oil of choice (optional)
Directions Wrap beeswax bar in an old towel. On a sturdy surface, use a hammer to break bar up into small chunks.
Place beeswax in a double boiler and gently warm over low heat until the beeswax melts. Add herbal oils and stir over low heat until well-mixed. Remove from heat and add the essential oil(s). Quickly pour warm mixture into prepared tins, glass jars, or lip balm tubes and allow to cool completely.
Store in a cool location for 1 to 3 years.
Pro tip: The consistency of salves can easily be adjusted depending on your preferences. Use less beeswax for a softer salve and more beeswax if you’d like a firmer salve. You can test the consistency by placing a spoon in the freezer before making your salve. When the beeswax melts, pour a little salve onto one of the cold spoons and place it back into the freezer for 1 to 2 minutes. This will simulate what the final consistency will be like. Once cooled, you can make adjustments by adding more oil (for a softer salve) or more beeswax (for a firmer salve).


Making Infused Oils

Making herbal infused Oils is fun and easy to do. Infused oil is made when you start with a good quality base oil and then infuse the herbs into the oil and place is over gentle heat to extract the medicinal properties of the herbs. Infused oils are not to be confused with essential oils which are steamed distilled.
here is a list off all of the supplies that you will need:

3.5 oz herbs
Oil jar
cheese cloth

Place herbs in a clean, dry quart jar. Leave at least 1 to 3 inches of open space above your herbs to cover with oil.
Fill remaining space in jar with oil of choice, making sure to cover herbs by at least 1 inch or more. If the herbs emerge above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered.
Make sure to cap the jar tightly and shake well. (you dont want to go to shake your container and get oil and herbs everywhere, trust me...) This step is super inportant because you want to herbs to be completely covered in oil for a good infusion process.
Place jar in a sunny, warm windowsill and shake once or more per day. I personally like to use a crock pot when infusing oils. I find that keeping the crock pot on low uncovered is a great way to complete this process and you can do it in a couple of hours instead of a couple of weeks.
After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the herbs out of the oil using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Make sure to squeeze out as much of the precious oil as possible!
Pour into clean, dry, glass bottles. Dont forget to label your jars with the date, type of oil, and herbs used.
Store in a cool, dark place. The oil may keep for up to a year. Vitamin E oil at a concentration of up to 1% may also be added to prolong shelf life for oils to be used topically.
