Thursday, August 29, 2019

Garlic (Allium Sativumis)

The common name for Allium sativumis the amazing plant we all know as Garlic, some Folk Names i found during my reseach were  Ajo, Poor man’s treacle, stinkweed. 

Habitat & Description: Perennial with a globe bulb of 5-15 bulblets in a papery white to mauve, skin, flat leaves up to 24 inches long. Green/white flowers in summer, zone 4-9

Parts Used: bulbs, leaves, flowers

Culinary Uses: garlic enhances flavors in meats, seafood and vegetables.

Medicinal Uses: Garlic is one of the most amazing medicinal plants available to us.  Externally it is antimicrobial as an antiseptic. Garlic oil is also a great remedy for ear infection. Simply put a few drops of infused oil directly into the ear and be sure to treat both ears.   

It can be used for microbial infection internally too. It’s antibacterial and antiviral for colds and flu and boosts the immune  system. Garlic helps reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and blood sugar. ( All good things right!)

Some magickal correspondences are protection, anti-theft, exorcism. Planetary Ruler is Mars, magickal gender is Male, and its Elemental Rule is Fire. 


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