Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Infused Honey

What you will need to make this infused honey:

medicinal herbs of choice

organic raw honey

jar with tight fitting lid

cheese cloth


Fill the jar half way full with herbs and honey. completely cover the the herbs with honey and make sure the use a chop stick or something to stir it with, you want to make sure that you mix all of the herbs well and make sure they’re covered in the honey removing all air from the mixture.

Most air removal will happen naturally during the infusion process.

Some like to leave their honey in the window and allow it to infuse for a couple of weeks but i prefer the crock pot method.

I like to let mine set in a water bath in my slow cooker on low, uncovered, for 2-3 hours, making sure to check the temperature of the honey regularly to make sure you don’t cook out any of the medicinal properties.

When using honey; it’s really important not to heat the honey above 110 degrees f. because it kills all of the good bacteria in the honey and if the temperature fluctuates; it allows the opportunity for bad bacteria to grow.

Once the honey is good and infused, use your cheese cloth and strainer to strain the lavender out of the honey, this process does take a while but is worth the wait

Once finished straining, put a tight fitting lid on the jar and make sure to label or date your infused honey. As long as the infusion process went well; the honey infusion should last 6 months to a year if stored properly in a dark cool place. 

WARNING: Honey is not to be consumed by infants under 12-13 months of life!


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