Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Below is a reference list of terms and definitions used in Basic Botany

Whole plant: Above Ground
Root: below ground
Rhizomes: roots
Annual: plant with one life cycle
Perennial: plant that has more than one life span
Biannual: plant that flower then seeds and dies
Bulb: storage organ for underground
Deciduous: tree or shrub that loosed leaves annually at the end of season
Dormant: alive but inactive
Evergreen: foliage stays on year round and sheds leaves at intervals thru the year.
Hardy: Tolerant year round climate in your area
Taproot: a thick main root system
Umbel: flat topped or rounded flower cluster from flower central point.
Whorl: three or more leaved flower from stem at the same level

Below is a reference list of terms and definitions used in creating things with Medicinal Herbs.

Base oil: Also called a carrier oil, this is an oil such as olive, grapeseed, almond, apricot or jojoba oil that is used to extract herbs for medicinal purposes.
Compress: Cloth soaked in an herbal preparation and applied topically.
Constituents: A plant chemical, also called a compound, that creates a medicinal effect on the body.
Decoction: tea made by simmering herbs such as roots, barks and nuts in water to extract medicinal properties.
Essential oil: A concentrated distilled oil of aromatic plants made using special equipment and training.
Herbal oil: Also called an infused oil, this is a medicinal oil preparation made by gently heating plants in a base oil.
Infusion: Hot infusion: Herbs such as leaves, flowers and fruit steeped in hot water to extract medicinal properties.
Cold infusion: Herbs steeped in cold water to extract medicinal properties.
Solar infusion: Also called sun tea, this is herbs and water placed in the sun for gentle heat to extract medicinal properties.
Menstruum: Liquid used to extract medicinal properties from plants such as alcohol, glycerine, vinegar or oil.
Poultice: Soothing poultice: Mashed herb applied topically to calm inflamed conditions.
Drawing poultice: Mashed herb applied topically to draw impurities and materials out of the skin.
Heating poultice: Mashed herb applied topically to bring circulation to the surface of the skin or for relaxing muscles.
Salve: A semi-solid herbal preparation of oil and wax to be used topically.
Tincture: Alcohol tincture: Solution made by extracting medicinal properties with alcohol.
Glycerite: Solution made by extracting medicinal properties with glycerine.
Aceta: Solution made by extracting medicinal properties with vinegar.
Wildcraft: Harvest plants from the wild.

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